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Kashflow needs to add an auto save function for long quotations and invoices.

Kashflow needs to add an autosave function for long quotations and invoicing.

This will stop customers being a bit jared off when the software times out and you have to start the quote again.

Even a warning of the software timing out would be appreciated.

  • Nigel Marshall
  • May 19 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    04 Jun 19:00

    Totally agree for quotes and invoices!! But this has been a requested since 2017!!

  • Charlie Outfire commented
    October 01, 2018 08:51

    Totally agree, came here to post my own experience of this. AutoSave or a countdown "you are about to be logged out..." etc is definitely needed

  • Guest commented
    September 08, 2017 13:11

    yes yes yes!! I agree