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Customer first line of address on customer list

When clicking on the customers icon which displays the list of customers is there any way of also displaying here the first line of their address to easily be able to identify customers with the same surname.
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    15 Jan, 2018 07:57pm

    Hi Natasha

    I am aware that the postcode can be displayed but I was asking if it was possible for the first line of the address to be shown as this is the information given on the invoices I process rather than a post code.

    Thank you

    Sent from my iPhone

  • Natasha Chryssafi commented
    9 Jan, 2018 04:55pm

    Hi Jo

    Yes, if you go to Settings > Customers & Suppliers Setting and check on "Append postcode" this will show the postcode against the name on the Customer List.

