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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Uncategorised
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Quotation converted to Invoice Facility: Ability to tailor main title so that it reads 'Quotation' rather than Invoice

Allow characters in Invoice Number field (most specifically, brackets) so that users can delineate between subsequent Invoices added to that client's case number

And allow default field names/titles to be tailored by the user, so that Quotations do not have to be so closely aligned with the wording for a subsequent Invoice.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi, Thanks for your feedback. You can edit the fields upon your quotes and invoices using either the invoice settings, quote settings or pdf themes under the 'Settings' menu. Your suggestion to add character names into the invoice number has been raised before, however this does lead to issues when tracking invoices within the app and the sequential reporting based upon invoice number. Could I suggest using another field to hold this information if you do need to create separate invoices for a single case. You could use projects for instance to create multiple invoices for a single job, that can then be attached to the one customer.
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