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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Repeat Quote/ Sceduled Quote

I'd like to use the quote section instead of an invoice, to remind my customers that a scheduled service is due. An invoice I can schedule but a quote I cannot. Is this something that could be added?

This would benefit me that an invoice is not immediately generated but could easy be converted from the quote as not every customer renews there service plan immediately.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi John, We aren't currently set up to provide a service such as this, Could I suggest setting this up through your emails or through a third party add on that will then integrate with KashFlow?
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  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    OK here it is. I am "BEGGING" for you guys to add repeat quotes to Kashflow. Please, please PLEASE! It is the one thing we really need.

    For example, customers that use our companies software are under no obligation to pay for the yearly service agreement, but we do inform them of the service. Because of this we can't invoice, we have to quote them. we have hundreds of these to send out every year so if we had the same feature in Kashflow that invoices have (repeat invoices) we would have one system
    and it would be invaluable. Just for the record, I would pay extra for it.

    I hope this helps push this feature.

    Kind regards,


  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your comment. I completely understand the importance of this to your business and if we could implement this quickly and simply we would. However, it would involve a large amount of development work across the application and there are top requested features that must take priority at this time.

    I wish I could get this put in for you, unfortunately I just cannot guarantee that we can get this on the roadmap soon. Have you thought about using an email integration with KashFlow that would take your customers information and generate this sort of document for you?

    It wouldn't give you the conversion from quote to invoice quite as easily but would at-least enable you to communicate with customers in the desired way? Could I suggest maybe something like Em-Cys or Message Horizon?



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