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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit KF-I-3397 Purchase Invoices - Save and Create New.


I am adding my receipts and invoices to my software, and it would be sooooooo useful if you would just put an 'ADD ANOTHER PURCHASE' button along the top. No one adds only one purchase every time they sort out their receipts!! Please add this, it is ridiculous that you have to go back to the Purchases menu item, then click add new purchase after every purchase added.

I am aware there is a 'copy' button, but really this copies over all existing info on the purchase and you have to then go and change it all. A new blank purchase is hat is needed, not a copy of an existing one.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Paul, Have you tried using rapid fire? This is a desktop system that comes as part of your KashFlow subscription that allows you to add records in bulk and upload them to KashFlow. Take a look here
  • Guest
    Jan 19, 2018

    I agree with the comments from a year ago and am shocked that a very simple button of 'Save and Add New' is not implemented. Sage One has this function and is a lot more user friendly for batch inputting purchases. Should I be recommending my clients to move to Sage One if you will not implement something so simple?

  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    I really have to second this idea! We can't use rapid fire because a) we use real computers (ie Macs) and b) because we're not accountants, we're a small two man business who do all our accounting once a month or once a quarter so I'll be entering 50-60 purchase invoices in a day. Paul is right, the lack of a simple 'Add another' purchase invoice button on the top of the screen makes the process extremely long winded. It's got to be sooooo very simple to create too.

  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    I have to agree - as a book-keeper for 2 companies I use Kashlfow to enter all purchases. Rapidifre is no use as you are not aware of the Kashflow receipt number is and yet you expect your users to use this number to search?

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