With the default nominal codes it would be good if you could have it where you could set this as you are putting purchases on and just press update customer or supplier record. Exactly like you have it where you can type an address in on an invoic...
Full integrate IRIS time & Fees with Kashflow this enabling you to not only benefit from a quick accounts package but also have all the features available in Kashflow to chase up your own debts. E.g Automatic credit control, better statements ...
Would it be possible to set up groups for customers so that you can see what is outstanding for the group they belong to? My particular needs is that I run a school and I would like to be able to group students together in 'Courses' so that I know...
Transferwise is going to be an standard for international transactions, and transfers, exchanges, refunds, etc do the manual work with KashFlow very complicated.
We would like to use the Statement function on Kashflow but do not like the layout of the document - it looks untidy and quite unprofessional. We would like it if possible if it could tie in with our Remittance template so we have a little bit of ...
Kashflow payroll automatically sends the journal payroll to Kashflow accounts... great. However, each month, we have to manually enter our payroll transactions (the amounts coming out of the specified bank account to individuals and to HMRC) into ...
Make an option to mark a supplier or customer invoice in query/dispute
Everyone would benefit from this, as we are currently paying invoices that are actually in query, but there is no option to show this other than to delete the invoice.
Month by month Profit & Loss report (Separate columns)
We should be able to see how the business is doing on a monthly basis. At the moment, it is only possible to see P&L loss one month at a time or several months accumulated together. Would be good to see each month next to each other in separat...
Project Global Report to include invoices listed against each project
I would like the Project Global Report to be amended to include all the invoices listed per project. I know it is available by manually going through each project but this is time consuming. The actual Project Global Report already 'reads' the inv...
At the moment if you use %m+1 %y to substitute dates into invoices, an invoice generated in Dec 2015 would display "January 2015" rather than the intended "January 2016". Something needs to be added to check if %m+1 takes you into a new year.