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IRIS KashFlow

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ease of checking paid invoices - -1 screen view

Currently if I am checking a bunch of invoices to see if they are paid. You have to search the invoice number -- then the invoice appears with the customer name to the right but you have to click into it again to see if it's paid or unpaid. I k...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 2 Will not implement

the option of Letters to be added to the invoice numbers also allowing us to facilatate a customers to settle the statement by card via phone, in the normal way.

It would be very helpfull to have letters as well as numbers for invoices a problem with your facility. We raised two invoices for a customer. We then went to statement. We obviously thought there was a facility at hand allowing us to facilatate a...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 1 Will not implement

Could you introducing a feature to allow invoices to be saved, or marked, as drafts please

I don't always use the email function within Kashflow to send out my invoices, sometimes I prefer to write a personal email and attach the invoice downloaded from Kashflow. Therefore, I can't always tell at a glance in Kashflow which invoices have...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 1 Will not implement

Ability to merge two customer accounts

It would be great to be able to merge two customer accounts - at the moment, the only way around this is to either manually assign invoices from one account to the other or manually exporting and importing the data again. Sometimes customers end u...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 1 Will not implement

At the bottom of the invoice totals add an additional two sum totals showing the split between labour and materials.

No description provided
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Will not implement

Custom reports to select only specific bank accounts

Title says it all really, I use accounts for cash on hand and transfer it between a few other accounts but these don't apply to my overall business account and so I'd like to run custom reports without certain accounts being included in the report
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Will not implement

Running total on statement

I would like to see a running total on a statement showing balance owed.I run a letting business and if you need to evict someone you need to be able to show how much rent is owed on a particular date.
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 0 Will not implement

aged creditors outstanding

I need to be able to see or print a report that shows me what invoices are outstanding for any given period, e.g. the last month, and get a total per supplier.This is how I know what I owe each supplier for the previous month. It's a bit like aged...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 0 Will not implement

bulk payments on statements

It would be great if there was maybe an extra column on "Statements" where whatever bulk payment you have made to suppliers stays there because at the moment once the bulk payment has been allocated to invoices,it doesn't show on the statement any...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 0 Will not implement

Balance shown on Statements

It would good to see a running balance after each transaction on each statement rather just a balance at end of the statement.I am a landlord and if you have to evict a tenant for rent arrears you need to be able to show the weekly or monthly rent...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 0 Will not implement