I have recently found it advantageous to switch back to the old dashboard, especially when there are issues with the new dashboard, which the new one does not suffer from. I have done this every time I have an issue with the bank on the new dashbo...
At present there's a high level of reliance on javascript to open things like invoices, transactions, receipts, etc... from list views. This makes it impossible to leave a page open with say a bank transaction listing and then right click to open ...
Option to remove country from invoices/purchases/etc
As we only work within the UK we do not need the UK as part of the customer address.we used to be able to remove this but since an upgrade! we no longer can.
We pay most of our suppliers through BACS. All their bank details are stored on the system. It would save a lot of time if we could click on an invoice, instruct the system to pay through BACS, after which the system updates the bank account.
Display Customer Contact Number & Email on Packing Slip/Invoice
When you book in deliveries a contact phone number is usually required. It would be very helpful if this phone number was visible on the Packing Slips.
We have set price lists in three currencies for all the products we sell. Ideally, if a customer is chosen that uses that currency, the price in that currency for the items purchased should appear on the invoice automatically.
To be able to add a job 'date' column before the decription column on an invoice.I am a photographer invoicing monthly for jobs done on various dates throughout that month, so it would be useful to be able to add the date of each job undertaken be...
At the moment, when importing PayPal transactions you can create new invoices or assign payments received to existing invoices. However, when dealing with payments made by PayPal you can ONLY create new purchase invoices. You need to be able to as...
Sales OrdersIt would be very useful to have a sales stage between "quotes" and "invoices". This is for sales orders that are in the system because we have received an order number from the customer have not shipped or invoiced yet. Called "Sales o...