To be able to add a job 'date' column before the decription column on an invoice.I am a photographer invoicing monthly for jobs done on various dates throughout that month, so it would be useful to be able to add the date of each job undertaken be...
in old version when I try to allocate bank payment to invoice it used to give option of all available invoices but now in new version i need to go and find invoice number or reference first and then only I can allocate. new version should lesse...
An option to put a default setting for sales invoices list display, ie display by issue date
Sales invoices issued automatically shows "last 90 days". However, we would prefer this to show all sales invoices, without having to change the setting from "90 days" to "issue date" each time that your visit this page.
Traffic light system for customers and their payment behaviour
Green for customers that regularly pay on time. Amber for occasional late payers. Red for prolific late payers. This would help a lot with identifying customers who we need to chase for payment or move to proforma.
Develop self assessment submissions to HMRC from the S A tab
With MTD becoming compulsory, this feature would be useful for anyone who is self-employed and a sole trader. Developments would have to be made for Partnerships, as in my case.
when adding new features, for existing customers change the message from "Let's make the most of your trial" (when I have had a subscription for several years now) to something like "Some great new features have been added. Let's make the most of them."
This saves customer and help desk time. By sending out the same messages to customers who are on a trial subscription and customers who already subscribe, then the customers who already subscribe are liable to contact the helpdesk to ask "has some...