Create P11D reports alongside existing P60 and P45 reports. URGENT NEED FOR HMRC COMPLIANCE & EMPLOYEE REPORTS.
Create P11D benefit in kind reports alongside existing P60 and P45 reports. URGENT NEED FOR HMRC COMPLIANCE & EMPLOYEE REPORTS. Without this Kashflow Payroll is not fit for purpose as a payroll solution.
It would be wonderful to have an app to link to Kashlfow Payroll where the employee logs their time with (comments on job done), then employer can access this and apply it to Payroll. This will eliminate any paper timesheets going missing or being...
Shared tips are a flow through ie they don't impact the entity as they come straight from customers. But the Crosstab report puts them in the same column as salaries & wages, making it harder to reconcile the true payroll cost.
Payroll Crosstab report - separate column for pension and health
At the moment our Health care contributions are included in the same column as the EE salary sacrifice pension contributions which makes it difficult to check the amounts easily.
The ability for leavers to rejoin the company easily (ie their payroll record)
If you have a rejoiner you need to create a new employee record so you are duplicating data. There is also no easy way to copy across their personal information or to look at consolidated reports as their data sits in two separate employees.
It w...