Please can you look into extending the age debtors list for up to 12 months as this will make it easier than only seeing the past 3 months, as some of our clients have age debtors at 5-9 months old.
Adding a VAT column to the nominal export would allow you to quickly check if a client has claimed the correct amount of VAT and also if they claimed VAT incorrectly e.g. insurance Similar with the debtors and creditors reports having a VAT outsta...
The new MTD home page is a pain in the arse to be frank.
Why not list all returns on one page. It is driving me mad at the moment because am doing December 2019 returns and the view defaults to a blank 2020 page, so I have to change to 2019 then...
It would be nice to be able to run a report of invoices raised for the month. The existing report is limited to 10 invoices. Sometimes we raise more than 10 invoices in one day, so this report is worse than useless.
Notifications sent to you when customers have seen their invoices.
A friend uses another bookkeeping system whereby when an invoice has been sent they receive a notification when the customer has opened said invoice. Can a system be put into place with Kashflow?
Simplify invoicing with a dedicated section for payment details and notes
when I print invoices, I consistently find myself needing to print my payment details and notes on top of the invoice. It would be greatly appreciated if there could be a dedicated section for notes and payment information when producing an Invoice.
In order to make invoices more easily understandable by customers where some elements attract VAT and others do not, or are 0%, it would be great if the columns in an invoice can be adjusted to suit the business in question.
We require a bonus type to be added which is tax free but NICable - with companies which are employee owned, bonuses are tax free but subject to NI - we'll need this adding quite quickly if possible as we've had to override the tax last month whic...