Change column widths for invoices / purchases/ estimates (quotes)
There is a lovely wide column for the customer name in my list of estimates (quotes). This is usually only one or two words and is sortable anyway. However, the description is limited to a few characters, but this is where I have the information I...
Show invoice/purchase values both with and without VAT
In the list of invoices / purchases, the default is the total including VAT. Apparently I can change that to excluding VAT. I'd like to be able to have both. Can't imagine that others wouldn't also find this useful as an option
When creating estimates, I can categorise them as I choose. However, I would also like to generate a report that shows estimates as I have categorised them. In my case this would be: new project estimate / agreed or in progress / completed pending...
In the transaction view (on any account) should be able to filter each of the headers... Date | Code | Comment | Business Unit | In | Out We have a vast number of transactions... a simple filter would make life so much easier and quicker.
Require ability to export (.csv); Customer Code, Payment Date, Payment Value as a report.If I can filter this by nominal code even better. Essentially the ability to export customer payments so I can reconcile them in a separate system.
Hi, Just an observation - it would be really helpful if the supplier batch payment total would come in the search facility. Currently you have to go to the supplier, search the statement and then go into an individual and click edit to find the amount when doing a bank reconciliation. Unless there is an easier way?
This would be quicker to reconcile your vat quarterly accounts
Incorporate an up/down arrow when scrolling in the client's bank account
Is there anyway you can incorporate an up/down arrow when scrolling up and down in the client's bank account? It is difficult to be precise at times, especially when there are loads of transactions.