After using the software for a couple of months, you start to find the flaws within - however when then looking to find an answer to my problem you hit the KashFlow brick wall, in some cases the questions have been asked (and NOTHING done about th...
Kashflow would be an amazing platform if it intergrated with PF24/48 and Royal mail "Click and drop" in the UK, as it would provide a full circle platform for small businesses and compete with with some of the bigger e-commerce "facilities" out th...
Having more than one account open at the same time
If you have more than one account with Kasflow, it would be helpful if you could access them at the same time rather than closing one to view the others
I have been trading nearly 25 years and have a coding system for customers that involves the use of &, but I cannot incluse this in my customer code, why, SAGE which I have been using all that time allows for this? I really don'y want to have ...
Some suggestions to improve the vat exempt & zero rated report:
Add the country of the customer, not just their name (and possibly highlight EU countries?)
Where the customer has a VAT number - even if I charged them VAT, I see a line in this...
I manually import bank statements onto kashflow and sometimes I am unsure what to match the transaction with so I move it to ignored feeds just temporarily.
When I was getting used to the software Uploaded statements without matching them and jus...
When Printing Show the Project Number on Purchase Orders
We use project numbers on everything we do including; quotes, invoices, purchase orders etc. There should be a field when printing Purchase Orders that shows the project number.
Allow a batch payment to attach to more than 100 purchases.
A batch payment only allows you to attach 100 purchases. this is not enough and so then you have to leave the balance uncleared and manually enter each one. really not ideal. how long would this take to resolve?