Can you not have the system check for name matches as well as amounts. I have a client that has a lot of subbies with identical amounts invoiced and paid on the same day, the system just matches amounts and I have to go through and undo and re-mat...
Bank imports - creating transactions - VAT default
It would be useful if a VAT default rate could be set for each nominal, it is a mind-numbingly boring faff having to change every payment for net wages, drawings, PAYE, VAT etc. to N/A
We need more flexibility to drill down into data easily and quickly from within the application. My accountant needs more flexibility in reporting within the nominal ledger but this isn’t possible. Whilst it’s possible to add an extra field to cus...
We operate, in effect, a cash accounting VAT system in that all transactions are only recorded in the bank accounts. It would be helpful to be able to access these transactions and thus avoid potential errors occurring where VAT has inadvertently ...
Please could you add an Out or Sent box for invoices sent by email. Rather than just the Log that tells me it has been sent. It would be extremely helpful to look back at the email as I often add prices and additional info on the email itself, but...
Hi Support,
It would be great if you provided a service where you provide that we could set up an email address to get our suppliers to send they invoices to for example and kashflow would automatically create a purchase in...
When chasing clients for invoicing they are often coming back asking for breakdown at project level, not just client level. I see you have a Global Project Report which gives a fabulous summary of Income v Expenditure for our eyes only, but what I...
We need a function to download all invoices. The only way to do it currently is to download customer by customer. We have 1500 customers and doing this would be immensely time consuming. We joined Kashflow when it first started and the big selling...
We also require an order shipped date. We may have orders placed over the weekend. These are then downloaded on Monday and are shipped on Tuesday. We require a Ship Date on the invoice so that the customer can see the time period for dispatch and ...