I used to receive emails detailing which invoices have become overdue on a particular day. I have since been informed that this feature is no longer available.
I don't want to use the automated system, because some of my customers just require m...
Please can the due date for purchases and sales be included in an export file.
This is vital to be able to view/forecast what is due to be paid for a weekly/monthly pay run and allow for expecting income.
Could a quote number be referenced when a Quote is converted into an Invoice. It is useful for us to know which quote (saved as a pdf locally) relates to a new invoice, as obviously it gets deleted from KashFlow when converted…
Within the pension set up for employees, a space for employee pension Unique Identifier
As we are new to Kashflow and had already set up a pension with The People's Pension we have to still use this Unique Identifier which was generated by our previous payroll supplier.
We use Groups on our Profit and Loss than list in Products
But when view Profit and Loss It shows the Products in Column But does not give a Total of Group
We think it would be a good idea to have two columns
A sub Total to the Left of the Product...
Within the settings we have the option to add 'free text' boxes - such as via Purchase Options >> 'Enable an extra reference field for each purchase'
This is all well and great to have as a feature until you need to search for the content ...