Any business who runs a cash accounting business would find this useful.
The VAT return takes this into account, but the P&L is currently a traditional report based on invoice raised, Whilst the Business activity report helps, it would be very...
You should be able to set a a default choice for how lists are ordered in Quotes and Sales.
For myself it would be great to open sales, for example, and have the list be in date order rather than invoice number order. My invoice numbers start with client specific numbers and end with a chronological identifier, This means that I currentl...
When I open a purchase receipt, I cannot see the purchase codes unless I am editing it. I would like to see the purchase codes without having to do this.
Single entry on supplier/customer account for payments/receipts
Please can the customer/supplier amounts just show the amount from the bank statement in the account, with the ability to drill down as every other book-keeping package does. It is frustrating when looking for a payment or receipt on an account to...
You support for items sent from kashflow by email could be greatly improved.
It is not possible to view invoices or statements sent from kashflow as emails.
Other than knowing that something has been sent you cannot check it afterwards.
The should be a separate table showing all emails sent which allows you to view /open t...
Two issues here:-
i) Why can't ALL outstanding invoices for a particular customer be shown immediately to attach receipt against - it's ridiculous having to repeatedly click the "show more" button, especially when there are so many outstanding inv...
When you create a transaction on the bank feed and select the nominal like wages or paye/ni payment etc would be ideal to see the vat amount or rate after this has been matched in order to double check your work. I find annoying that if I want to ...
It would be useful to have a report that can list the Average time to Pay details for all customers together. This would enable businesses to see clearly in one place who their most prompt-paying clients are.
It would be helpful if I could download bank statement in a different format to csv. Its quite difficult to read, would be a lot easier in a pdf format.
about 5 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow