We use quotes but do not for operational reasons convert quotes to invoices via Kashflow.
It would be helpful if reports could be produced from Quotes showing all quotes that have not yet been invoiced and indeed all quotes in a certain category i...
You have repeat Purchases, but as a service only company we do not have purchases. Is it possible to have a repeat expense? As we have lots of monthly outgoing bills that are fixed.
there appears to be only 2 options for pricing - retail and wholesale. Can we have an option for cost price - ie price our suppliers charge, so we can raise accurate purchase orders to our suppliers. Our cost price is not the same as our wholesale...
Margin Scheme VAT - 2nd hand goods, accounting desperately needed
Hi, As the making tax digital deadline is approaching the need to have Margin Scheme VAT functionality is becoming critical for those of us who trade 2nd hand goods. At present I move Margin Scheme invoices to 0% VAT and then manually calculate th...
Add a function to include the source reference for projects not just customers
Currently Kashlfow allows a 'source' to be identified for customers, which can be useful, however I would find it more beneficial to have the ability to allocate a source to a project as well. This would allow for a finer grain of detail when anal...