In the Journal list page when last month is selected only get last months journals list. If select this month get this month and all future journals (for accruals and prepayments). Expected to just see this months. Would also be good to have a fut...
Single entry on supplier/customer account for payments/receipts
Please can the customer/supplier amounts just show the amount from the bank statement in the account, with the ability to drill down as every other book-keeping package does. It is frustrating when looking for a payment or receipt on an account to...
It would be good to have extra sub categories for each product. At the moment you can select the stock level and auto-enter details but nothing allows you to add products into categories. We are a company that produce many products within each sal...
I have more than one account with Kashflow and am always moving from one to another. Would it be possible to have different colour texts or something different so that I know immediatley what account I am on. At present you can only tell by the side bar. I do go merrily along entering data into the wrong account at times which is more than annoying!
Customer Statements in same currency as Customer Invoices.
Our Home Currency is GBP but we also trade in US$ and EURO. Currently we are able to produce invoices in the required currency but the statement shows £. This needs to be changed for sending to our foreign customers.
If you only sell services, then Kashflow says that an 'ECSL is not required' on the VAT page. This is incorrect, as an ECSL is required for goods and services. Kashflow seems to submit an ECSL (containing sales of both goods and services) if the v...
When you are doing a vat adjustment journal you need to select the vat rate that was put through originally so that it is correct in the next vat return.
I have customers who would like to link there accounts but are worried about security.
It would seem to be infinitely sensible to have to enter a password when switching so access can be restricted as not all users are common to both companies.
As a user based in the Irish Republic I have different vat periods and treatment of purchases. I do not rely on the report for purchase calculation, but must mark the return as submitted to create RTD details. This updates the nominal ledger. My r...
Actually implement some of the great ideas suggested here.
The improvement I would like to see is that you actually implement some of the great ideas suggested by your user base. Your customers are suggesting really basic improvements for functions that you would expect should be included as a minimum but...