Paypal is encouraging customers to convert to use Braintree Payments Kashflow needs to add an integration so the Braintree API similar to the Paypal integration so that transactions are imported into Kashflow
Integrate with Arthur - Property Management Cloud based software
KashFlow should integrate with Arthur, a cloud based property management software solution.
We have a number of property management companies as clients who are using Arthur .
Currently both Xero and Quickbooks i...
QBO, Freeagent and Xero are all integrated with Accountancy Manage and Senta now. KashFlow is not which is a gap in your offering. Please integrate with Senta as a priority!
1) Implement date and time filtering 2) Add date and time filters to as many endpoints as possible
Because any integration will be based on date and time. Realistically, if a customer exports customers from KashFlow to another system automatically every 30 minutes, they aren't going to want to continuously send the same customer information eac...
I love using the Paypal app which saves me lots of time.
We also use Worldpay, however, and transactions cannot be downloaded which takes a lot of extra time for me. Quickbooks have a download facility so please can you also start this. This has ...