On the dashboard the VAT summary should show the dates of the next return to be processed
The dashboard helps show clients the financial overview but unfortunately the VAT summary doesn't show the next VAT return period. We would all benefit from this happening.
I can create new Additional Users but when I don't want access to be available I can't delete their profiles - only Disable them.
It would be cleaner and clearer to be able to DELETE Additional Users which are no longer required.
Show VAT Submitted to HMRC but not marked as Paid on Dashboard
say I submit £10k to HMRC, the dashboard only shows and I believe calculates in the current quarter. It would be great if the dashboard also took in to account VAT submitted to HMRC but not yet marked as paid
There is no option to cancel the alert that the business has exceeded the VAT threshold when it is a business that does not fall within the VAT registration reuirements.
Fix the Dashboard so VAT continues to be shown as money owed by you until it is paid to HMRC
Everyone who pays VAT would benefit. At present, immediately at the end of the quarter the "money owed" ceases to include the VAT which has accrued over that quarter, even though it won't normally be paid out for another 6 weeks. It means that for...