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Bring back column totals!

On the old interface design, when you looked at any period of time in your banking, there was a column total for both in and out, next to the opening / closing balances. This has mysteriously been dropped in the new interface, which seems like a b...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

Bank feeds should update faster

Hi Kashflow! I noticed that the bank feeds are never up to date and it always takes about 1 week for new transactions to show up, which means when someone pays me, I have to wait 1 week to be able to see the transaction and match it in Kashflow wh...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

Is it possible for Bank view to be changed so that we can see the name of our customer/supplier against the transaction code.

No description provided
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

Ability to filter imported payments from Paypal etc

Some of the companies ideal with for shipping create an order then a purchase through PayPal, so when they are imported I have to manually delete the order to balance my Paypal ledger. It would be good if it was possible to create a filter to dele...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 1 Acknowledged

Allow changing the accountancy code assigned to bank feeds

Please allow an accountancy code allocated to a transaction following a bank-feed to be viewed in a separate window and changed if necessary. At the moment if an accountancy code is wrongly allocated, the transaction can only be deleted and manual...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

Unable to activate csv uploads

When trying to activate CSV bank feeds a message appears at the top of the screen "primary contat email is blank or null" . Having checked the primary contact details and seeing it does have a valid email I contacted support on line. They just wan...
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 2 Acknowledged

Create an Expense with two line items

To account for expenses that have zero and standard VAT rates, it would be easier to create an expense with two line items. This is possible when creating a purchase, but not an expense. This will allow expenses to be matched directly to the bank ...
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

The list of bank codes on the new layout is very brief, forcing one to scroll through or start typing the code.

The longer list was much easier to navigate.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

The new layout does not suggest a list of previously entered customers when you begin typing, as the old one did.

This was extremely useful, saving a lot of repeat typing.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged

Copy Matching Rules from one account to another.

... er that's it, simple as that. I recently changed bank account, and was 'rather disappointed' to find I have to re-enter all the matching rules - about 50 of them - into the new account.
Guest over 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Bank 0 Acknowledged