It is not possible to amend an existing Customer records via CSV.
Managing the accuracy of data is required by law, amending manually in KashFlow is slow and inefficient.
I have systems that check the company name, the registered addres...
To be able apply the correct theme for new customers and suppliers as default
To be able to apply as default a purchase theme containing company terms of purchase for all new suppliers, and a different theme for customers with T&C's instead of having to change manually for each new customer / supplier added
Multiple invoices are sent to customers and we would like to automate the credit control but don't want customers to get an email for every individual invoice, can it be linked to a statement instead?
We send out invoices through out the month and a lot of our customers pay upon receipt of a statement at the end of the month. It would be good if we could have automatic credit control on both statements and/or invoices that could be personalised...
Customer statement current/30/60/ 90 plus days breakdown
On our old system, when sending customer statement we had the option of a current/30/60/90plus days or current / 1 month / 2 month 3 months plus at the bottom of the statement. ( no due date).
This is helpful to both customers & ourselves.
Bank import matching screen to just show amount still outstanding
When matching a bank import against multiple invoices it would be useful if it just should the amount outstanding, and not the full original invoice amount.
Would like Income by Customer (and expenditure by Supplier) report to be able to show values by month ie. if you select a period of 1/4/21 - 31/3/22 that it would show as below:- Customer Name Apr21 May21 Jun21 Jul21 Aug21 Sep21 Oct21 Nov21 Dec21 ...