Change error to warning: Purchase with the specified supplier already exists
I sometimes get the error message above when I am creating a purchase order that is very similar to one just created for the same supplier. For instance, in the screen shot below, I'm trying to amend the supplier to the one shown, but PO 6340 for ...
Processing supplier invoices that contain vat and nob vat lines
How do I process an invoice which includes a mixture of 0% and 20% VAT rates without entering every line item. I just want to enter total net and vat values
Change Paypal importer Accounts and Codes 'Payments Made' so it links to PO supplier profile
I can only assign purchases made on the importer (in general setting under heading PAYMENTS MADE) to one nominal code only. Can the purchases not be linked to the supplier's account profile and look up that supplier's default purchase code instead...
Please can you add a 'notes' box in the sales types section? It would be really useful for all sorts of things.
Please can you add a 'notes' box in the 'sales types' section? It would be really useful for all sorts of things. For instance, when I have things on order with my supplier (which can take up to three months to arrive) it would help me to see that...