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KashFlow Ideas

Your ideas allow us to crowdsource feedback, gain customer insight and prioritise our roadmaps.

Please can you add a 'notes' box in the sales types section? It would be really useful for all sorts of things.

Please can you add a 'notes' box in the 'sales types' section? It would be really useful for all sorts of things. For instance, when I have things on order with my supplier (which can take up to three months to arrive) it would help me to see that an order is in existence rather than having to cross refer somewhere else. It can also be used for general notes about a product...changes etc.
I'm pretty sure this would be useful for others too.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss the idea in more detail.
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    • Dave Harrell
      Mar 17, 2017

      Any news on the above yet, please? I really could do with a simple 'notes' section in the sales type pages if possible...

