When you're providing a date based service, the date of the service supplied is unlikely to match the invoice date or due date.
A typical example being if a customer orders a 1 year web hosting package from me on the 1st April 2018 - I need to sho...
Give unsent invoices their own column rather than appending to inv no or give them their own view
Whilst the sent invoices icon is very handy, our process dictates that we add all invoices for the invoice run then email them as the last thing we do once we ensure everything required is added.
The sent icon is helpful but if it had it's own col...
Show when sales invoices have been printed off or emailed
Businesses may not create and send invoices the same day, and if there are more than one person working on invoices and printing them there may be some confusion as to if an invoice has been sent to the customer or not.
It would be useful if there...
In many instances one wants to allocate invoices to items other than a sales record. e.g. if you have received money on behalf of a 3rd party thats not a sale but fulfilling a liability. But you would not want your customer to see how you are appo...
Additional Substitution code for Weekly Repeat Invoices
To provide the ability to insert a %substitute code to a weekly repeat invoice so that it allows reference to the specific week the invoice relates to. For example, Rent Charge for Week Commencing DAY / MONTH or purely the Calendar Week Refernce, ...
I run a dance school so will be sending out lots of small value invoices each month. Currently around 150 but hopefully that figure will be growing. Rather than going into each invoice individually it would be much easier to tick them all on the l...
Sales Code and project to be seen in invoice view mode
Sales Code and project name seems to be seen only when creating/editing invoices. I would like to see them also in view mode.
when I check how i raised an invoice it is information i want to be able to see without needing to click edit or copy whe...
Create Sales Code - Managing Stock Level does not expand scroll bar on laptop
When creating or editing a sales code on a laptop screen, if you tick the box to manage stock for this item, the window expands down in the browser, but the scroll bar does not expand making it impossible to access the Update button at the bottom ...