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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 6, 2018

Date field on line items

When you're providing a date based service, the date of the service supplied is unlikely to match the invoice date or due date.

A typical example being if a customer orders a 1 year web hosting package from me on the 1st April 2018 - I need to show on the individual line item the date the service started.

I may not invoice the client for another week - and have 30 day terms, so there is no way at the moment to show the date without entering it in the description.

Now why wouldn't I want to do that? Well, if I then set it up as a repeat transaction for next year, I would like the service date of the line item to change to the next year.

QuickBooks works in this way, so it would be nice to have that functionality on kashflow.

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