Allow insert, duplicate and convert item/comment to line item/comment
When building complicated quotes/invoices I often have to drag new line items or comments from the bottom (they're only added at the bottom) to the appropriate place in the invoice. This is frustrating as it often takes several attempts to get it ...
Why is it that it is not possible to 'copy' and invoice and then change your mind and cancel it? It always makes the invoice anyway. Please add a delete button or basically the ability to change your mind button after the invoice is copied before ...
Need a tick box somewhere to set all paid invoices to auto send an email. Imported paypal sales (in the hundreds) have to be ticked and sent one at a time, or in batches. A waste of time.
Show only total value of Quote/Invoice instead of line values
Show only the total monetary value of a Quote/Invoice instead of a line-by-line basis.
We prepare larger project quotes by adding various services/goods but only the total figure is of relevance to the end customer. Detailing it on a line-by-line ...