Supplier Account No. in 'Your Ref.' section of Remittance Advice - NOT first invoice no. of batch payment
When you make a batch payment to a supplier, the remittance advice automatically inputs the first invoice no. from the list of payments in to the 'Your Ref.' section This is very confusing for the supplier you are paying as inserted in here should...
On the dashboard the VAT summary should show the dates of the next return to be processed
The dashboard helps show clients the financial overview but unfortunately the VAT summary doesn't show the next VAT return period. We would all benefit from this happening.
We would like to send out our standard T&C's with the email invoice template that is in KashFlow, this doesn't allow at the moment, but you can add a video?? Picture (link off the internet) or a web link! Not helpful - most companies have stan...
When doing a VAT return it would be very easy if i could select 2 dates and have it download all invoices (as pdfs or one spreadsheet format) that have been marked as paid within those dates.
I'm trying to claim lost of earnings and the solicitor are not believing me. So it would be a good idea to let them see what i have invoice clients for that period.
Can we have a button to enable batch payments to be made/linked direct from the supplier page rather than having to go out of the supplier record and into purchases.
This would save your support team a lot of work. Publish a list of ongoing support issues so that we don't keep sending you tickets for known ongoing problems
When I read that Kashflow could be integrated with Paypal for invoice purposes I was delighted as I spend ages every month manually raising invoices before orders can be sent out. I linked the two together but then realised that Kashflow is only p...
Enabling email addresses to be added to packing slip
When we pass the orders to our delivery team they often email time slots so if this was on the packing slip then this would save us adding this to an email to them. The delivery team do not have access to the invoice.