Within the pension set up for employees, a space for employee pension Unique Identifier
As we are new to Kashflow and had already set up a pension with The People's Pension we have to still use this Unique Identifier which was generated by our previous payroll supplier.
We will sometimes loan an employee a cash lump sum and deduct it back from their net pay over an agreed period of months. If there was a function that allowed for this, the employee could see on their pay note how much they owed and the payroll de...
I have managed small and large payrolls for many years. Now I am solely responsible for the financial aspects of three organisations, I decided to find an online payroll package to reduce the cost of using a payroll bureau or accountant. After all...
It would be really useful to be able to search for a leaver by having a search bar where you can free type their name rather than scrolling through lots of pages of names
When creating a new employee you are not able to enter more than two names unless there is a dash between two of the names. We have a number of employees with two middles names and so it would seem more appropriate to enter their names properly on...
Currently after creating a customer, there is no means to create an invoice for them
After adding customer if you then add their details, address, phone, etc (which you naturally would after adding a customer). They click save. It takes you back...
I don't believe this exists, but apologies if it does: I would like to be able to apportion time off sick and make a relevant deduction for each day off during the waiting period.
Payroll Crosstab Report - Schemes - Pension ER and EE added together
When exporting the Payroll Crosstab report to Excel the pension amounts in the "Schemes" column are combined. It would be easier if we could see separate amounts for ERs and EEs for Pension Schemes. Thank you