I currently have a few DEA's set up on payroll so the deductions are automatically calculated based on the employees pay but I have recently received instruction to deduct a lower fixed amount for an employee. It would be really useful if you are ...
Have been using KashFlow Payroll for a while now and incredibly pleased. However, have you considered including the facility to prepare Forms P11D & P11D(b) Benefits in Kind as part of the year end process? You do everything else, and it would...
Graham Yeomans
almost 4 years ago
in KashFlow Payroll
It would be good to be able to preview a payslip in the correct format/how it is laid out before approving it. This was something I used to find really useful in Sage
We have a member of staff who is holding two position . As a Receptionist she pay 5.6 % contribution and as a Phlebotomist she suppose to pay 7.1% but due to kashflow doesn't have two type of pension form we are unable to add various % towards to ...
I run payroll for many of my clients. As I am running most of this month's payrolls early due to clients wanting the furlough payment in the bank before they have to pay out the wages at the end of the month, I have assumed that as M12 is included...
almost 4 years ago
in KashFlow Payroll
Will not implement
Please add Employes NI onto the same line as the other figures in the payroll reports
The employers NI figures currently export onto a second line in the csv under the other employee figures when doing a payroll report. This is extremely frustrating as if you need to data sort the report (if you have more than one department and ne...
To have a separate login for when someone covers me whilst I'm on holiday or for the owner to have their own access
It would mean that I am not sharing my login details with anyone else but they can still view the payroll as necessary.
You could make sure the main person has given authority for this to happen.