Hi, a recent "enhancement" to the matching process has been to extend the options for searching for an unpaid invoice, which now includes Overdue (part paid) Overdue etc, where as before the option was just "unpaid". At the point of matching, clie...
Multiple invoices are sent to customers and we would like to automate the credit control but don't want customers to get an email for every individual invoice, can it be linked to a statement instead?
We send out invoices through out the month and a lot of our customers pay upon receipt of a statement at the end of the month. It would be good if we could have automatic credit control on both statements and/or invoices that could be personalised...
Single entry on supplier/customer account for payments/receipts
Please can the customer/supplier amounts just show the amount from the bank statement in the account, with the ability to drill down as every other book-keeping package does. It is frustrating when looking for a payment or receipt on an account to...
Hi Support,
It would be great if you provided a service where you provide that we could set up an email address to get our suppliers to send they invoices to for example invoices@example.co.uk and kashflow would automatically create a purchase in...
Facility to Download all Product data from Kashflow, edit and update in Excel and then Upload to Kashflow.
Ideally, I would like the facility to download all my product data listed in sales codes, from Kashflow to Excel, edit and update in Excel, then upload back into Kashflow.
This would save hours when product updates are necessary. Currently, I hav...
We need a function to download all invoices. The only way to do it currently is to download customer by customer. We have 1500 customers and doing this would be immensely time consuming. We joined Kashflow when it first started and the big selling...
We also require an order shipped date. We may have orders placed over the weekend. These are then downloaded on Monday and are shipped on Tuesday. We require a Ship Date on the invoice so that the customer can see the time period for dispatch and ...