Correct fault on gross pay figure exported to Kashflow Accounting
I have an employee with a company car and the BIK tax is paid monthly via PAYE rather than annually via P11. The company car benefit value is shown on the income/payments side of the payslip, which is correct as this value is used to calculate tax...
From speaking with support - there is no facility for pensions to be paid to members. When pensions are paid they are only subject to PAYE tax. Employer and employee national insurance contributions are not deducted from pension income. In additio...
When running reports or looking at an employee's file we should be able to view when they last had a salary change and view historical data. This should be both on IRIS payroll and IRIS HR.
Is it possible that when logging on that the software could interrogate whether there are any unprinted P60’s on an account, and if so to flag this up with a pop-up screen on entry?
Early in the new year, I have forgotten to do this and needed reminding by an employee
Have been using KashFlow Payroll for a while now and incredibly pleased. However, have you considered including the facility to prepare Forms P11D & P11D(b) Benefits in Kind as part of the year end process? You do everything else, and it would...
Graham Yeomans
almost 4 years ago
in KashFlow Payroll