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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2021

Correct fault on gross pay figure exported to Kashflow Accounting

I have an employee with a company car and the BIK tax is paid monthly via PAYE rather than annually via P11.

The company car benefit value is shown on the income/payments side of the payslip, which is correct as this value is used to calculate tax and NIC contributions on the company car benefit.

The "total gross pay" figure at foot of the income/payments side of the payslip does not include the value of the company car benefit, which is also correct.

However, for some reason, when the data from the payroll is exported to Kashflow Accounting, the "total gross pay" figure includes the value of the car benefit . This is incorrect. The result is that the gross pay data in Kashflow Accounting is incorrect and overstate.

The fix is to simply export the value in the "total gross pay" field on the payslip into Kashflow Accounting and not the sum of the individual payment values on the payslip.

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  • Leanne Oxley-Hold
    Jun 22, 2022


    Thank you for your valuable feedback.
    We have added this to our backlog to be reviewed so we can look to add a fix for this
    We will update you on the progress in due course.

    Kind Regards
