It would be helpful to have a setting whereby you could change the default setting for the number of items listed. It is currently set at 10 items, but as we are entering more and more data we would quite like the option for the default to be 100 ...
It would be useful to be able to change the heading on a statement as the invoice number is shown under a # symbol. It would be nice to have the option of changing the heading to' Invoice Number'
I have recently spoken with Kashflow support and accounts production support. They have informed me that we are unable to limit the access to ‘Kashflow Connect’ through the IRIS suite menu. We changed the password which disconnected it, but then w...
You have added in the ability to "Export" a chart of accounts from KashFlow Connect. What would be ideal if you also add the ability to "Import" chart of accounts. I have a 500 line COA I want to set as a default for all my customers and I have to...
When setting up a new chart of accounts in KashFlow Connect, You can't re-code the bank accounts by default. This means every time you create a new client you have to go to "Bank" and edit the code, for every account.
Kashflow HR - self authorising some kind of absences
In KashflowHR it would be useful to have the capability to self log some type of absences without having to ask for approval from line managers - Working From Home and Sickness in my case.
Have the facility to dispose of a fixed asset from the fixed asset register
Assets set up in the asset register for depreciation may need to be disposed of if sold etc.
At the moment there is no facility for this other than deleting them and to do this you have to delete all depreciation journals associated with them.
To have an alert when a supplier invoice is due for payment
My client pays all of her suppliers in full, however I suggested she go on 30-60 days but she is worried that she would forget as she is so very busy and payment would get overlooked. It would be beneficial if there was a message of something that...