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Add a cost price option for products

I buy products from a factory at cost price, sell to retailers at wholesale price and direct to consumers at a retail price. Therefore I need 3 prices for each product. I'm sure loads of other product based businesses are also in the same boat.
Guest about 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 1 Acknowledged

Enable Chat discussions to be downloaded

When you have a technical discussion on Chat it would be useful to be able to download a copy for future offline review
Guest about 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 Already exists

Make all the search functions search in the same way

Depending on the search box you use, there are different rules which govern each. For example in some you may input the second part of a customers name (eg Smith) but the search box needs the beginning of the name (which you may not recall off han...
Rob Smith about 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 Acknowledged

Extra Industry Sectors

Our business sector is not covered under the current options. This has been causing issues with the last update asking for information to be updated (fixed by support) For instance an option for "General Retail" or "Specialist Retail" would suff...
Ben about 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 Will not implement

flash up a message saying that you only have one password attempt left

Pat Wintle Nov 17, 11:56 GMT Hi. I've had to contact you through online chat because our account was blank. It was quickly established that we had been locked out because of too many wrong password attempts. We have been using Kashflow for sever...
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 1 Already exists

BCC Field Increased

for a company with more than a handful of employees, the option for multiple email addresses
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 New

Accountants access to be able to amend data even when lock dates are set up

Once the lock date applies, it would be useful if the client was unable to enter data or amend data before the lock date but the accountant can access and amend data, submit journals even when the lock date stops clients from doing so. I have foun...
Emma Ransom over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 Acknowledged

Journal fliter improvements (Future, This Month)

In the Journal list page when last month is selected only get last months journals list. If select this month get this month and all future journals (for accruals and prepayments). Expected to just see this months. Would also be good to have a fut...
Nic Atkin about 5 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 New

Single entry on supplier/customer account for payments/receipts

Please can the customer/supplier amounts just show the amount from the bank statement in the account, with the ability to drill down as every other book-keeping package does. It is frustrating when looking for a payment or receipt on an account to...
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 New

Customer Statements in same currency as Customer Invoices.

Our Home Currency is GBP but we also trade in US$ and EURO. Currently we are able to produce invoices in the required currency but the statement shows £. This needs to be changed for sending to our foreign customers.
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Other 0 New