In the detailed VAT report, KashFlow lists transactions included in each box of the VAT return, from box 1 to 9. Box 1 detail is the output tax detail for sales and Box 6 detail is the net value details for sales. But the order of the detail can b...
Date range to be the same from Profit and loss report to the nominal code breakdown
When entering the date range for the profit and loss or balance sheet report and then looking at the different nominal codes ie: sales, the date range changes. It would be of great help if it could copy the date range across.
Ability to have stock value reports based on cost price rather than sales price
At the end of the year my Acccountant asks for the stocktake to be with cost figures and I have to trawl through all the invoice to work it out - It would save me a lot of time.
In a lot of businesses Account Managers are paid bonuses for how much revenue they bring into the company. There is a field in KashFlow that allows us to add the Account Manager to the client account but this doesn't allow us to run a report that ...
Some of the reports are not detailed enough. I can mention one such report. The Nominal Ledger report; this report should be more detailed, it should also contain a break down of the individual account by product code. e.g. Account = 7000-Programm...
Please can you add the option to download the overdue customer report in excel format - it is not practical to print off numerous copies each and every time I need this report
Can paid date be added to the project P&L reports along wiht the existing invoice date
Is it possible to amend the data fields shown on the project P&L. Currently it shows, Date, Reference, Narrative, Debit, Credit. It would be really helpful to have paid date also shown so I don't have to drill into each invoice to see it.