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Automatic Charging Invoices With Saved Card Details (Stripe / Worldpay)

I know other software providers offer the ability to integrate with Stripe Automatic Payments or WorldPay Recurring Billing, where the payment provider themselves save the Card Details, then use these to automatically pay for the Invoice once this...
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 2 Acknowledged

API Integration with Stripe

For us, the API Kashflow has with Paypal is integral to our accounting and makes the whole process so much easier. With stripe becoming one of the worlds biggest platforms for processing card payments (hell, the 26 year old who started it is now i...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 2 Acknowledged

Allowing monthly payments ie Klana

With the current climate more and more customers are requesting monthly payments. We are a plumbing and heating company and can fully appreciate some of our invoices might be too much for a customer to pay in a month, Offering Klana payments would...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 New

Accept worldpay payments in multiple currencies depending on the invoice currency

Depending on an individual account WorldPay can support multiple currencies to accept payments in, and so does KashFlow. Being able to recognize the invoice currency and match it against a WorldPay currency would enable invoices to be paid through...
Guest over 3 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 New

Bring Sagepay support back

We use Sagepay with one of our Kashflow accounts. We are now setting up a new Kashflow account and want to use our Sagepay account to take credit cards. But we are told it is no longer available. This is a negative step - and one we dont like
Guest about 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 1 Acknowledged

Change the big red "paid" on the invoice to "payment received, thank you"

It's friendlier and polite!
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged

Quickly enter payment date as invoice date

When you click "Add Payment" on a purchase or sales invoice it currently defaults to the current date. It would be useful if there was perhaps a button/option on the payment window where if you click this, it will enter the invoice date as the pay...
Aaron Chappell almost 4 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 New

Automatic card processing fee deduction

There should be a facility to automatically deduct processing fees, that are incurred for payments made online using credit/debit cards, e.g. Stripe, that incur an additional processing fee of 1.4% + 20 pence, per transaction.
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 3 Acknowledged

Statement layout

It would be nice to be able to personalise Statements more for example: Add bacs details Have an overdue note next to any outstanding invoices At the bottom have a due: current, 30+ days, 60+ days so the customer can see a break down of the total ...
Guest about 4 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 New

Add our letter head to the reminder notice

When printing out the reminder notice it looks better if our Letter head could be included
Guest over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 0 Acknowledged