To add a basic CRM function to each customer account with 2 or 3 recall dates to be able to nte when to call for another order, or aequipment service. And then those recalls to appear on main page as a short report each day/week/month
I want a feature to change the default sales code for all existing customers, I have edited my sales codes and I want to change the default sales code for all existing customers not just new customers but its not possible.
Add customer Email and Telephone details to Invoice/Packing Slip.
We are an online retailer and manually book couriers frequently to send items to our customers. We book using the details on the packing slip (or delivery note as we call it). As we have to supply to the couriers the email and telephone numbers of...
It is not possible to amend an existing Customer records via CSV.
Managing the accuracy of data is required by law, amending manually in KashFlow is slow and inefficient.
I have systems that check the company name, the registered addres...
Different primary email addresses for invoicing/statements
Within the customer area it would be useful to be able to record an email address for invoicing and a separate email address for sending statements which automatically inserts into the email template. Currently, i can only record one primary email...
Multiple invoices are sent to customers and we would like to automate the credit control but don't want customers to get an email for every individual invoice, can it be linked to a statement instead?
We send out invoices through out the month and a lot of our customers pay upon receipt of a statement at the end of the month. It would be good if we could have automatic credit control on both statements and/or invoices that could be personalised...
The current system allows you to change the default code/product which will then set each subsequent new customer with that can change the default code on a per customer- one by one basis but not globally. I would like to be able to ...
When you export customer details from KF, first name and surname fields are included.
When you try to import the data back to KF, there are no field to allow this!