The new design is terrible, truly terrible. To put it in Trumpian terms, it is the worst design in the world ever, really, the worst. I have never seen anything so bad. I will move all my clients to another product if this design is forced upon us...
I have recently found it advantageous to switch back to the old dashboard, especially when there are issues with the new dashboard, which the new one does not suffer from. I have done this every time I have an issue with the bank on the new dashbo...
You can't access the VAT returns from the dashboard in the new design. If you go to taxes it only shows self-assessment so you have to click into reports or a page in the old format to get the old taxes tab back. The new design is not working and ...
when adding new features, for existing customers change the message from "Let's make the most of your trial" (when I have had a subscription for several years now) to something like "Some great new features have been added. Let's make the most of them."
This saves customer and help desk time. By sending out the same messages to customers who are on a trial subscription and customers who already subscribe, then the customers who already subscribe are liable to contact the helpdesk to ask "has some...
Have YTD figures on the dashboard comparing to last year YTD
On the dashboard, you can look at sales and costs YTD/ Month/ Accounting Period but this compares figures to last year for the WHOLE year. It is not a YTD comparison as it states. What I want to see on the dashboard is the current accounting perio...
This is a redundant popup upon every login reminding to add additional users requiring an extra click to close it. What's so special about adding additional users? It's such a basic thing - it does not warrant such an annoying popup upon every login.
when logging in and taken to the dashboard, If you click to reports it will take you back to the dashboard on the first few attempts. It very annoying and I imagine quite simple to fix
The liability for VAT quarters just finished, for which returns are not yet done or paid, appears not to be included on the dashboard - only the amount for the current quarter. This can be a significant sum and should be included.