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My Ideas: Reports

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Removing sales graphs when in sales only access

Would it be possible to remove the dashboard and reports section from the left hand side when the module is in sales section only? Not sure how everyone else feels but when we have the sales only module so that our employees doing sales can't see ...
Guest over 3 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Already exists

Activity Reports

Please can you revert the activity report to how it was! The breakdown can be seen on the audit trail, but what the report has provided for years is a list of all the invoices raised over a period. A report which was pivotal for our company. Pleas...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Already exists

Activity report (sales) has changed suddenly- need old version please

Activity Report - Sales - as of 21/2/19 has line by line breakdown by type. This creates a very messy and disjointed report. A sale with several line items and different "types" does not appear in the list together as it is grouped by type. We use...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Already exists

Make reports printable

Essential reports like Nominal Ledger history/activity - more than one page long, can only be printed from CSV file - and only after a lot of editing and layout changes. This is a basic report which needs printing in legible easy format, and shoul...
Nikki Fothergill almost 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Already exists

In the profit/loss report please show costs as a percentage of turnover as you used to do.

No description provided
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 2 Already exists

Profit and Loss Report

It would be a great idea in the profit and loss section to show a break down of each entry instead of clicking on each entry and printing everything separately.
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Already exists

Monthly income reports for Quotes

I would like to see a report available for Quotes before they get generated to invoices so my business can track monthly income on potential orders as alot of my orders dont get turned into invoices til much later on.It's important to keep track o...
Guest almost 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 2 Already exists

Aged debtors report

Recently I had a situation where the Aged Debtors report printed out did not agree to the CSV report of the same report. This was due to mis-dating of sales invoices, for example invoices dated December 2015 instead of December 2014 and paid in Ja...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Already exists

activity report for specific customer

I know you can export a list of all invoices that you have issued using Kashflow via Reports > General Reports > Activity Report. But I'm asking my supplier to send me this list for my company ONLY as I wish to then import these details as m...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Already exists

enter journal enteries into suppliers and Customers. And have the Trial Balance as a tab to see all the accounts

enter journal enteries into suppliers and Customers. And have the Trial Balance as a tab to see all the accounts
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Already exists