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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 27, 2017

Please add Department Reports to Kashflow Payroll

I do the payroll for over 100 employees in 7 different departments and each week, after I have completed the payroll I have to split it into seven shops, which takes me around half an hour per week. This is frustrating becuse Kashflow has a department *field* to fill in but the field is not utilised for its most practical use - producing departmental figures and reports. 

I have never understood why the department field is there if it is not connected in some useful way to any other part of the programme.

I would be very grateful if the Kashflow developers could enable departmental reports as it would save me around half an hour per week. which is 26 hours per year and it would add real value to your product. I miss this function as the previous software from Iris has this functionality. Thanks!

    Mar 29, 2018

    Hi Stephanie,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    We are in the process of implementing a Department filter to our Payslip Crosstab Report. This is scheduled for our February release. Moreover, we will then be looking to implement a Department filter to Pension and Employee Reports also. This will be communicated to customers when available.



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