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Ability to submit an EPS to reclaim CIS deductions that have been retained and reduce the amount due to HMRC

All sub-contractors would require this functionality - I have now been forced to download Basic PAYE Tools to do it - why can I not use my paid for software package - this has been in your pipeline for over a year now

  • Natalie
  • Feb 21 2017
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • Ashley Scott commented
    25 Jan, 2018 02:30pm

    Hi Natalie,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    This has now been implemented and made it into our October 2017 release.



  • Guest commented
    21 Feb, 2017 06:07pm

    I totally agree.  I also have to use HMRC's basic tools to do this.  Annoying when my old payroll software could do this.