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Allow production of PAYE remittance reports

When it comes time to advise my clients what PAYE is due to HMRC i have to either write it into an email or tell them over the phone.

This leaves them and me without a physical copy evidence of what i advised them was due.

It also makes it more troublesome to advise them what is due.


All i would need is the ability to print the page that appears when you click on:

'Company' > 'Payments and Receipts' > 'Month (x)'

The page that shows the total Employment Tax, Student loans, National Insurance, SMP Recovery and Compensation, and the Allowances.

I have attached a print screen of the page, a printed version of this with the accounts office reference and PAYE reference would be sufficient for purpose.

Many of my client pay quarterly to HMRC, so quarterly remittances would be awesome.


Thanks for reading.

  • Guest
  • Jun 19 2017
  • New
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Jun, 2017 04:19pm

    forgot to attach