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Created by Sue Carr
Created on Oct 28, 2020

P32 v HMRC

For a while I have been trying to reconcile the deductions as per Kashflow with those stated on HMRC website and have found myself unable to do this. Will kindly looked at Sep 20’s P32 figures and confirmed that they are correct within the Kashflow software, but despite this being the information which is automatically sent to HMRC it differs from HMRC’s amounts due. If I do not pay what HMRC wishes I will be in trouble. So, how do I solve this issue? Does your organisation have a key person who liaises with a key person at HMRC who could use our figures to discuss the issue. It surely cannot be just our payroll which differs.

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  • Marie Reid
    Dec 2, 2020

    I have the same problem with CIS suffered deductions, it does not show on the P32 but is added in (hidden from report), this gives the correct sum to send to HMRC but the P32 is incorrect.