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Able to do VAT returns for Reverse VAT Charge

I have spoken with a couple of people at Kashflow regarding the Reverse VAT charge coming into effect on 01/10/2019 for clients working in construction. I have asked if the system will be updated in-line with the legislation, I appreciate it is a few months away at the moment but we are trying to get an idea on how it will work through Kashflow. I have been told there is nothing currently in place and to add the idea here. As it is legislative changes, I assume the system will have to be updated to enable VAT returns to be submitted with the Reverse VAT charge however, no-one has been able to confirm this. Please can someone confirm when these changes will be made or when any information will be release on how the VAT returns will go through Kashflow?  

  • Ella Ridd
  • Apr 1 2019
  • Started
  • Attach files
  • Julie Shepherd commented
    21 Aug, 2019 02:59pm

    Hi, I can confirm that we are in the process of updating the system to cater for the CIS Reverse Charge VAT and this will be released before 1 October 2019.