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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 11, 2020

Allow accountants full control over Username and password as before

The recent update has removed the ability for those setting-up clients on KashFlow the ability to designate an appropriate Username. The system is generating rather long Usernames based on the business name and the Username can be more than 30 characters long.

My clients do not like this and I'm not happy with it either. Requesting that the Username is then amended can take numerous messages to KashFlow support which is time-consuming and a waste of time (for both KashFlow and us).

Also, the set-up process has removed access to the password section. As the e-mail goes directly to the client (on the very quick set-up that it now is) for those operating a bookkeeping service it means more wasted time sorting out the set-up of the password.

The previous system was much more straightforward.

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