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Product IRIS KashFlow
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 16, 2022

Projects functionality

Not sure if anyone else might agree or find this sort of functionality useful, but we would like to enhance the Project functionality of Kashflow to track Jobs that we are working on (we are a signage and printing company), as we do not have a job tracking system at this time and I think this could work well for us.

We would like to see a bit more customisation within the Projects facility. Specifically, we would really like to be able add/change the Status' categories that are in the drop list and be able to sort/list by them. It would also be really really useful if we could assign Projects, or in our case Jobs, to Individual Kashflow users.

Adding another customisable dropdown list that we could really do with is "Job Stage/Phase", so that we could state that the Job/Project is in certain phase or team, such as Production, Printing, Fitting or On-Hold etc..

Does anyone else agree? The initial functionality/facility is there, but I think it would be great to enhance it for better use. The great thing for us would be that everything would be in one place, Quotations, Invoicing and potentially Job or Project Tracking, so why not enhance it a bit.

We have been looking at other job management tools/software, but they incorporate quotes, invoices and accounting, so it would be a great shame to have to move away from Kashflow, as we have been using it for so long now and the initial work has already been done by the Kashflow developers.

Feedback and input please guys!

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  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2022

    One more thing, I forgot to add, is that this could be a massive selling point for future Kashflow users and Kashflow/Iris could definitely benefit, future sales wise.