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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Purchases
Created by Jon Grove
Created on Jan 31, 2022

Add the ability to record a payment as part of a Repeat Purchase, but on a different date to the Purchase

I have a regular recurring payment which I set up as per the KB article -

Although the purchase is dated (per the supplier invoice) on the 18th of every month, the payment is only made (by direct debit) in the first week of the month following. Hence it sits in creditors at the end of the month. I note from the above article that it is only possible to record the payment on the same date the purchase is recorded.

It would be great if a feature could be included to enable a recurring purchase to have a payment attached that is not on the same date as the purchase - i.e. to allow for a recurring credit purchase with a regular payment date. Often these are paid by direct debit - for example utility bills and so on.

At the moment the only workaround seems to be to manually change the payment date each month once the purchase has been recorded, which is fine but it would be great to be able to automate it!

Thanks in advance for your help.

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