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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Purchases
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 8, 2021

Please add additional fields on purchases and invoices for EORI numbers.

My EU suppliers and customers require my EORI number. For this to happen automatically on purchase orders, quotes, and invoices would save manual entry each time

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  • C Oliver
    Mar 9, 2021

    The overall system is not as efficient, every time you put a payment onto the clients account (as we have a lot of clients who pay standing orders) you have to put the payment on then you cant automatically go back into the account it takes you back to another screen !! you cant edit notes on the invoice once you have added notes, the debtors list you cant print off as landscape so I can add small notes for chasing etc, there is so much time wasting which with a new system it should be more efficient, also you cant see which payments have paid which invoice unless you go into every payment, need I go on, its so frustrating, it usually takes me an afternoon to get all payments onto kashflow it is now Tuesday afternoon and I am not even half way through - Can we go back to the old system !!!