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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Purchases
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 11, 2020

Drag and drop file attachment

I would like to attach invoices to my purchases in Kashflow so that I can do away with the mounting paper files. I have a Dropbox account, but the current process seems very clunky. My invoices are typically received as an email attachment and I would like to be able to create a purchase in Kashflow then attach the invoice directly from the email - ideally by drag & drop. At the moment it appears that I need to save the invoice attachment 'somewhere' and then upload it via Kashflow which will put it into Dropbox? I believe you can also save it yourself in the correctly numbered place in Dropbox and it will get picked up by Kashflow, but that doesn't sound very easy given the hundreds of suppliers and invoices I have.

  • Attach files
  • zulqarnain haider
    Feb 2, 2022

    i would like the same feature as well as this already exists in Xero and QBO and i am surprised why it has not been picked up as yet?